Physical Therapy Services in Charleston, SC

Our Services

At PT on Tap, we champion a holistic approach to well-being, intertwining the power of personal training, physical therapy, and innovative recovery therapies. Recognizing that every individual is unique, our experts meticulously craft a therapeutic regimen tailored to your specific needs.

Services Offered

  • Massage Therapy

    Soft tissue massage offers a range of benefits, including improved circulation, reduced muscle tension, enhanced flexibility, and alleviation of stress, promoting overall relaxation and well-being.

  • Dry Needling

    Dry needling, a therapeutic technique involving the insertion of fine needles into trigger points, can help relieve muscle pain, improve range of motion, and accelerate the healing process by promoting blood flow and releasing tension in targeted areas.

  • Cupping

    Cupping therapy employs suction cups to stimulate blood flow, release fascial restrictions, and detoxify tissues, fostering a unique combination of muscle rejuvenation, tension relief, and holistic balance for enhanced physical vitality.

  • Graston

    Graston scraping, utilizing specialized instruments to address soft tissue restrictions, facilitates the breakdown of scar tissue, reduces inflammation, and enhances range of motion, providing a targeted approach to musculoskeletal healing and improved functional mobility.

Our personal training sessions are more than just workouts.

Imagine a personal trainer who has an extensive knowledge of each muscle in your body. A trainer who knows how your joints interact with every movement. Now imagine this same trainer is strikingly good looking, has a doctorate in physical therapy, and has an extensive background in sport specific training. Fortunately, we are able to make your imagination become reality at PT on Tap, as we offer personal training with a physical therapist throughout Charleston.

We create strategized routines, formulated after a comprehensive evaluation, ensuring your fitness goals align with your body's capabilities. This, combined with our top-notch physical therapy, addresses any underlying mobility or pain concerns, bridging the gap between health and fitness.

Exercise Therapy

  • Blood Flow Restriction

    Blood flow restriction training, or BFR, involves using a tourniquet-like device to limit blood flow during exercise. This technique is believed to enhance muscle growth and strength with lighter loads, making it an efficient and potentially time-saving approach to fitness.

  • Personal Training

    Personal training with a physical therapist offers personalized exercise plans tailored to your specific needs and health considerations. This one-on-one guidance ensures proper form, reduces injury risk, and maximizes the effectiveness of your workouts.

  • Electrical Stimulation

    Electrical stimulation (ESTIM) can aid in pain management and muscle rehabilitation by using electrical impulses to stimulate nerves and muscles. This therapy is often utilized to improve circulation, reduce muscle spasms, and enhance overall recovery in various physical conditions.

Get Ready for the Results!

What truly sets PT on Tap apart is our integration of recovery therapies. Recognizing that healing and growth are as vital as exertion, we harness advanced recovery modalities. These therapies not only expedite muscle recuperation but also enhance joint flexibility and overall vitality.

In essence, PT on Tap offers a comprehensive journey—from strengthening to healing, from exertion to recovery—all under one roof. Join us, and experience a harmonized approach to physical wellness, where every step, stretch, and strategy is designed with your holistic health in mind.